Advanced Inventory

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Inventory Loyverse POS - Point of sale system

Core Features

Purchase order management

Purchase orders allows you to create and save orders for the supply of products, to send orders to suppliers, to receive products, and to save information of suppliers in the system.

After selecting the Supplier and Store for your Purchase order, you can choose one of the autofill options between ‘All items from supplier’ or ‘Low stock items from supplier’.

Loyverse Purchase order management
Loyverse POS Transfer orders

Transfer orders

You can add items from the list of your items to the transfer order. You will see the stock information of the chosen items at the source and destination stores. The received order will change the stock in the source and destination stores. You can email your transfer order to the destination store and/or download as a PDF or CSV file.

Stock adjustments

You can modify the stock of items and indicate the reason for that adjustment.

After making the adjustment, the stock of the adjusted items will be changed.

You will see the stock adjustment details in the document.

You can save it as a PDF or CSV file.

Stock adjustments
Inventory count with Loyverse POS

Inventory count

Inventory count allows you to reconcile the expected and actual inventory for all or selected items, see the amount of inventory loss or surplus inventory, and keep documents for each inventory.

Inventory history

You can see the ‘Inventory history’ of all the items that underwent any changes. You can filter the history by period, stores, employees, or by reason of stock changes, including sales and refunds.

Inventory history with Loyverse POS


The production feature can be useful for items that are made in advance, not at the time of ordering.

For example, in a bakery. Produced items can be moved between stores by using inventory adjustments and inventory counts.

Production with Loyverse POS

Inventory valuation report

Inventory Valuation Report gives you an understanding of the total cost of the inventory and potential profits from their sale. You can see the up-to-date ‘Inventory valuation’ report. You can filter the report by categories or stores (if you have multiple stores).

Inventory valuation report
Printing labels

Printing labels

The label can contain the item’s name, SKU, price, and barcode.

Labels with a barcode allow you to use the scanner to add items to the ticket.


$250 USD/year

$25 USD/month

per store


Track inventory

Track the stock of products and their components


Low stock notifications

Get notifications on items that are low or out of stock


Items import

Quickly import items using the CSV-spreadsheets


Purchase orders

Plan purchases, export records to suppliers, track stock receipts


Transfer orders

Create transfer orders and move stock between your stores


Stock adjustments

Increase and decrease stock levels for received items, damages and loss


Inventory counts

Perform full or partial stocktakes with a barcode scanner or manually



Track stock of items produced out of ingredients


Label printing

Print barcode labels to effortlessly add items to sales


Inventory history

Gain insights into the flow of your inventory by viewing adjustment log


Inventory valuation report

View report on the cost and potential profit of your inventory


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