

Automatically send online & delivery orders to Loyverse with Otter


"Increase order accuracy, decrease missed orders and grow sales with Otter sending your online orders to Loyverse.

It takes 2 minutes on average to enter an order into your point of sale - manually entering 50 online orders a day could cost you over 50 hours a month in wages. Not to mention the inevitable errors that come with manual processes - each of which costs an average of £20. With our new integration to Loyverse, Otter helps you avoid double entry, decrease errors and fully integrate your online channels with your kitchen operations. With simplified reporting and menu management, Otter allows your team to focus on delivering the highest quality experience to your online customers.

  • All orders in your POS - Otter aggregates orders from all delivery channels and sends them to your point of sale.
  • Save time & deliver faster - Skip the double entry from tablet to POS with Otter, giving you more time to increase output and improve delivery time.
  • Streamline your data - Report on your online orders alongside the rest of your business from within your point of sale, without manual effort and errors.
  • Easy menu management - With your POS as the source of truth, Otter pushes menu changes across delivery platforms.

Otter's Loyverse integration helps you avoid double entry, decrease errors and fully integrate your online channels with your kitchen operations. Otter aggregates and sends orders from all of your online channels directly to Loyverse, ensuring you have all of your orders in one system, and that your digital and physical channels are reported side by side, without manual effort and errors. The integration makes menu management a breeze, allowing you to easily roll out changes to multiple platforms.

Otter maintains integrations with global leaders like UberEats, Doordash, Grubhub as well as key regional players like:

  • Postmates, Chownow and Zuppler in North America
  • Just Eat, Glovo and Careen in Europe and the Middle East
  • iFood, Rappi and DiDi Food in South and Central America
  • GrabFood, Zomato and Go-Food in Asia Pacific

Otter maintains hundreds of integrations around the world and is constantly adding new platforms and tools based on local needs - contact our team today to learn about how Otter can connect the order platforms you use to Loyverse.

- Through this integration, when an order is considered as paid in Otter, a receipt for the order is generated in the Loyverse Back Office.

- If you want to print a kitchen order ticket, you can do it by using the kitchen printer system of Otter.


Otter Orders
Otter Locations
Otter Dashboard
Otter Total Sales
Otter Total Sales
Otter Total Sales
Otter Orders
Otter Locations
Otter Dashboard
Otter Total Sales
Otter Total Sales
Otter Total Sales
App information
Online ordering

Otter has plans and packages to suit restaurants of all sizes, from virtual kitchens just starting out to franchises or enterprises with hundreds of customers - get in touch today for a custom quote.

